Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Nephi 2, once again we learn that Nephi is young maybe in his early to mid teens and he is in tune with the spirit. In both chapter 1 and 2 we learn something very important for us. Nephi did not just believe his fathers words, he pondered them and then went to the Lord to ask if they were correct. Because of Nephi's faith the Lord did soften Nephi's heart. I can only imagine how he felt, his father had just told them all that they were moving, but they would be taking nothing with them. They lived in opulence and wealth, now they would be just like many others that they dealt with (Lehi was probably a merchant) poor and without a home. Nephi and his brothers would be leaving all their friends they had grown up with. So even though Nephi was spiritually intune and open, the Lord had to soften his heart. Lord visited him. In person? In a dream? In his perception? But the Lord visited him and showed him his future, or at least part of it. The Lord showed Nephi His will for him. I am sking the Lord for that gift. It may not be too long before the Lord asks us to do the same thing he asked of Lehi's family, leave everything, all of their possession's and all of their stuff and head off into the wilderness. I'm not sure this will be required of all of us but some perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord told Lehi what he needed to know when he needed to know it. Lehi obviously was a man of faith and prayer and had regular spiritual communucation with the Lord. Yet the Lord first asked him to preach repentence and prophesy of the Messiah. As far as the record says the lord didn't originally tell Lehi that his life would be in danger if he preached to Jerusalem and he would need to leave everything and travel to the promised land. That information comes in due course. Nephi hints of the course they will take in 1 Nephi 1:20 He testifies that the tender mercies of the Lord will protect and strengthen all whom the Lord chooses and are faithful. So in 1 Nepni 1 and 2 we learn faith and obedience = protection and deliverance.
