Wednesday, April 21, 2010

1 Nephi 16

So I realize I am probably behind everyone else. Oh well, at least I am still reading right? As I read this chapter a couple of things came to mind. One, Laman and Lemuel complain that the things Nephi has said to them are hard. Then Nephi says basically that if they were righteous they wouldn't feel what he said was hard. How often do we experience those same feelings? How often do we feel like the prophet or members of the Quorum of the Twelve are saying harsh things? I know I have. When we are truly righteous, in every aspect, then what they say are things to rejoice over, because we are already following their counsel.
The second thing I realized, and it happens over and over, is how fast the people go from having faith and listening to the Lord, to murmuring and planning to kill Nephi. Again, how often do we do the same thing? Aside from planning to kill Nephi, that is. As long as our lives are going well, and there are no bumps in the road, we feel our faith is strong and we are happy to obey. But as soon as it gets hard, and we are now facing challenges, will we murmur against the Lord? Will we complain about our lot in life? Or will we stay strong and seek guidance? Are we Nephi or Laman and Lemuel? I think we are both. The question then becomes, can we be more like Nephi and less like Laman and Lemuel? Just my thoughts.

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